Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Power of Prayer (Originally posted on Facebook on January 10, 2010

Hey Everyone -

Jeremy and I have gone back and forth about whether or not to say anything "public" about this. I don't want to be seen as a dramatic person or someone who is seeking, or wants, attention. I also usually don't like the entire world on facebook to know my business. :-) I know this note will seem like the opposite of that, but please understand that we are writing this note not because we want attention, but because we want and need your prayers.

Some of you know this, and some of you don't. For almost a year, I have been battling something that has been affecting my body. For a long time, we didn't know what was wrong. It's an extremely long story, but eventually we traced the problems to my thyroid. God has blessed me in huge ways in that He has lead us to doctors and specialists who aren't just good in their fields, they are some of the best in the nation. I have an endocrinologist and a surgeon who care about helping me get better, they aren't in their professions for the money. Jeremy and I are surrounded by extremely supportive families and an amazing network of our extended family and friends. Your prayers have gotten us this far, and we need them still. Most of all, we are thankful for a Father who has never left us or abandoned us when we need Him the most.

After a series of tests, discussions, and consultations, it was decided that half of my thyroid would need to be surgically removed. This surgery took place on December 18th and it went great! Since then, I have been spending my time recovering and enoying the holidays. Jeremy and I moved out of our apartment and are now living with Jeremy's parents to save money.

On January 6th, I went to see my surgeon for a routine check-up. It was just supposed to be a time for him to check the incision to make sure there were no infections, etc. During that appointment, my surgeon told me that while a pathologist was cutting up my thyroid, he found a small concentration of follicular thyroid cancer. There was a less than 1% chance they would find any kind of cancer, so it was a piece of shocking and completely unexpected news.

As a result, I will have to have a second surgery and a round of radioactive treatment. God has truly been faithful during this time. He has given us peace, an unbelievable sense of calm, and relief that He has revealed all of this at the right time. We have no idea how long I have had cancer, and to think it may have gone on for years and years before being found...Things could be so much worse than they are now.

My second surgery will be tomorrow morning at 10am at Baylor Dallas. Jeremy will be posting facebook updates as the day goes on, so be on the lookout for those. The story is much more detailed and longer than what I have posted here, so if you want to know more, feel free to ask. I personally like more details in a prayer request so I will know how to pray, so I don't mind others asking for more info.

I have to be at the hospital early in the morning, so I am about to sign off. I will respond to emails, texts, and facebook messages most likely late tomorrow night or Tuesday during the day. We would appreciate your prayers during this time and appreciate any encouraging words you might have. Jeremy has been a trooper during all of this, I can't imagine how I would react if the tables had been turned. We are completely confident in God's plan for us and in Him! We love Him and know that He loves us more than we could ever know or imagine.

We love all of you and will talk to you soon! Blessings!

Sarah and Jeremy