Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What Are You Hungry For?

Every two weeks, some very, very dear friends of mine send out an e-newsletter. Pastor Ken Lovelace writes an article, and his wife, Lygia, writes a devotional. Lygia is a very gifted writer, and although her devotionals are always excellent, this week’s devotional really, really stood out to me.

There are few women on this earth whom I admire more than Lygia. She is truly a woman after God’s own heart. Completely supportive and respectful of her husband (in the six years I have known her, including four months of living in her home as a member of the family, I have never heard her speak one negative word about her husband), devoted mother of ten children, a prayer warrior, a steadfast and passionate follower of Christ, Lygia, in my mind, is a modern Proverbs 31 woman. I cannot tell you how strong my admiration is for her and her character.

There are so many things in this devotional to step back and think on. I have always believed that after her relationship with God, a woman’s relationship with her husband, and her family, should be her greatest ministry. Our homes are our greatest and most important mission fields. Our husbands need our unconditional respect, our unconditional love, our most heartfelt prayers, our encouragement, and our support. They need us to live by example, and they need us, the women they chose to grow old with, to be their biggest fans.

Our children need us to pray for them, guide them, teach them, love them, encourage them, and to be "Jesus with skin on". Lord willing, Jeremy and I will one day have children of our own. Even though I am not a mother yet, that doesn’t stop me from praying for my children, and Jeremy and I, that we would be a light in a world of darkness.

If we cannot minister to our own families, then what are we doing here, in the church?

I pray that not only you will hunger and thirst for God, but that your husbands and children would, and that God would use you to guide and encourage them in their search.

What are you hungry for? What are you thirsty for? Most importantly, who (or what) do you look to satisfy these needs? Be honest with yourself.

Here is the link to Lygia’s article. I will be praying for all of you.