Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Here We Go Again

I've always wanted to have a blog...I love to write, and have futilely started one or two blogs, which were always abandoned, untouched. I was talking to my husband's mother last night (she's basically my second mom), and she encouraged me to start writing again.

As I was laying in bed last night, I came up with the usual excuses...don't have the time, don't have the energy...I look at my to-do lists (oh yes, I have more than one), and can't even conceive adding "blog today" to any day of my hectic week. I didn't even talk to Jeremy about it, which is very unusual. I tell him everything. For some reason though, I guess I needed to work this out with God.

And here I am. I'm not really sure how often I will write here. Maybe every day, maybe just a few times a year. But, I am determined to keep at it this time. No forgetting passwords, no procrastinating, no excuses.

I'm excited and enthusiastic. I am looking forward to this.


Amber said...

Yay! I've already added your blog to my reader! =)